Bottom line
Ortovox S1+ (or S1 plus) is the top beacon on the market currently. The upgrades and improvements from the S1 avalanche beacon are in software as well as hardware. And with incorporating the smart antenna technology that was first included in the 3+ unit this new beacon claims a spot for one of the most advanced avalanche beacon on the market.
Use(r) suitability
Ortovox S1 plus, just like the S1, is suitable for a wide range of users but more experienced users will be more likely to take full advantage of all of its features. If you are a beginner then you might be “overpaying” by buying this avalanche beacon.
Video overview
Product description
Ortovox S1+ avalanche beacon inherited all features of the latest S1 unit with additions of some new ones. Once more of official information is available this product description will be updated. Until then you can read more in this article:
Ortovox S1 avalanche beacon upgrades to Ortovox S1+ for fall 2011
Technical info
The S1 plus avalanche beacon will most likely share and improve on the below specs of the currently available S1 unit:
- Avalanche beacon type: digital (updatable software)
- Search user feedback: distance indicator, bearing line, directional arrow, pinpoint function, beeps
- Multiple burials: shows up to 4 of buried victims on its display
- Marking (flagging) function: yes
- No. of antennas: 3
- Maximum range: up to 70m
- Search lane width: 50m
- Additional features: compass, inclinometer, thermometer
- Carrying system: chest neopren bag attached with a body strap, all included with the beacon
- Battery life: around 250h in transmit mode
- Battery type: 3 x alkaline AAA
- Dimensions: 120 x 80 x 30 mm
- Weight: 260g including batteries and bag
- Warranty: 5 years